These workouts are designed by Pulse Beat Fit founder Mindith Rahmat. Mindith is an RYT 500 Certified Yoga Therapist, certified CrossFit coach, and long time fitness enthusiast with extensive experience in Russian kettlebells and bodyweight exercise.
This cycle of the Women’s workout will focus on strength and conditioning using bodyweight movements, pull ups and single and double kettlebell drills.
Week 6, Day 2
Recommended Weight for Women:
8 Kg (17.6 lb) Beginner
12 Kg (26.4 lb) Intermediate
16 Kg (35.2 lb) Advanced
5 Rounds
A1:Clean & Press x5
A2:1-Leg Deadlifts with Kettlebell x10
A3:Dead Kettlebell Swing 10
3 Rounds
B1:Pull Ups xMax -1
B2:Walking Lunges x15 (on each leg)
B3:Star Jumps x10
Ladies Choice Finisher
**Pick one exercise and perform 1 Tabata circuit:
- Rope Slams
- RKC Plank Hold
- Medicine Ball Slams
- Rope Zig Zags
- Prisoner Sit Ups
- Russian Twists
- Dragon Flags
- V Ups
- Janda Sit Ups