Handstand Holds at Wall
Plank Holds
3×10 Goblet Squat
Test ****100 Kettlebell Snatches
This cycle of the Women's Workout focuses on cultivating upper body strength through weighted and body weight movements, as well as developing the musculature needed for achieving strict pull ups.
Written by Mindith Rahmat Last updated on Nov 22, 2021
Mindith is a born mover. She has spent her life exploring various athletic disciplines, starting with ballet and modern dance from an early age. She went on to become a E-RYT 500 certified yoga therapist and teacher and discovered CrossFit after the birth of her daughter.
Mindith coached CrossFit at a number of boxes near her home in Southern California, which lead to her involvement in Russian kettlebells and Olympic weightlifting. She has coached a wide variety of populations and cares deeply for women’s health, specializing in pregnancy and postpartum fitness. She is currently studying the principles of Natural Movement and Kettlebell Sport, and is working to complete an additional teacher training in the Taoist art of Yin Yoga with Master Paulie Zink.
Mindith founded Pulse Beat Fit in 2011. Over 5 million people a month have visited the site, hundreds of thousands of them follow Pulse Beat Fit on social media, nearly 2,000 coaches have written or appeared on its pages, and there are thousands of free, fully-formed training plans freely available. Pulse Beat Fit has won numerous awards in the industry and is recognized for pioneering new approaches to fitness and coaching techniques. In 2021, Pulse Beat Fit was acquired by Barbend. Mindith continues to devote time to her kids, pursue her doctorate in psychology, do research, and teach.
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