These workouts are designed by Pulse Beat Fit founder Mindith Rahmat. Mindith is an RYT 500 Certified Yoga Therapist, certified CrossFit coach, and long time fitness enthusiast with extensive experience in Russian kettlebells and bodyweight exercise.
This cycle of the Women’s workout will focus on lower body strength and conditioning using bodyweight movements, barbell training, and kettlebell drills.
Week 3, Day 3
2×5 Turkish Get Ups
3×45 Seconds Mountain Climbers
3×45 Burpees
3×3 Suitcase Deadlift with Kettlebells
3x 1 Minute Farmers Walk with same Kettlebells
5×10 Heavy Kettlebell Swings
5×10 V Up Holds ***5 Breaths Each
1 Minute Each:
Double Pigeon Right
Hamstring Stretch to Splits on Right
Double Pigeon Left
Hamstring Stretch to Splits on Left
Headstand * option to use wall or practice handstand
Forward Bend