We learned a lot about kettlebells at Pulse Beat Fit this year. This year’s top ten articles cover a whole spectrum of training tips and applications for kettlebells. You will learn how to combine kettlebells and sandbags, why the American swing is bad, why Valery Fedorenko doesn’t like the Turkish get up, and how kettlebells can optimize performance in the bedroom. It’s quite a list!
So here they are, counting down from number ten to the most popular one of the year. Which one will it be? And have you read them all?
Top 10 Kettlebell Articles of 2013
10. Beyond the 2-Handed Swing: 5 Effective Kettlebell Movements You May Be Neglecting (Katie Chasey)
There’s a lot more to the world of kettlebells than just the two-handed swing. Here are five of the most effective movements that you may be accidentally leaving out of your workouts.
9. Why and How to Combine Kettlebells and Sandbags (Includes 3 Workouts) (Josh Henkin)
You’ve got a bunch of kettlebells and sandbags. You’ve got some amazing tools and here’s how to put them together. I’m going to explain the science, show you a video, and give you three workouts.
8. A Systematic Approach to Improving Your Kettlebell Swing (Tom Kelso)
The kettlebell swing is a display of skill and strength. In order to improve your proficiency, you need to work on all three vital areas – skilll, strength, and endurance. Here’s how to do it.
7. Interview with Valery Fedorenko, Founder of the World Kettlebell Club (Traver H. Boehm)
Valery Fedorenko started setting kettlebell world records as a teenager in Russia. He doesn’t believe in the 2-handed swing or the Turkish get up. Find out why and what he does coach his students.
6. Single Kettlebell Ballistic Complexes: How to Save Your Shoulders and Still Work Overhead (Andrew Read)
While there is a large chance many of us will need to stop pressing due to the shoulders issues, there is no need to stop overhead work all together.
5. Kettlebell Circuits for MMA, BJJ, and Martial Arts (Andrew Read)
If you are a combat sports athlete trying to build strength and conditioning into your training, check out these kettlebell workouts. You’ll get fitter without being destroyed for your skill training.
4. The Program Maximum: Kettlebell Training for the Advanced Athlete (Andrew Read)
An evolution of Pavel’s famous “Program Minimum,” this program is for seasoned trainees looking for further gains. It’s still simple, but it’s challenging and effective.
3. How to Get Maximally Lean and Super Muscly with Pat Flynn (Pat Flynn)
These 4 weeks of workouts are dedicated in whole to getting you maximally lean and super muscly. They will focus on one thing mostly, and that’s metabolic conditioning.
2. Rationalizing the Swing: Why the American Swing Is Wrong (Andrew Read)
There’s the American kettlebell swing, and then there’s the kettlebell swing done correctly. Let me explain why the American swing is not just wrong, but bad for your body.
1. 3 Ways Kettlebells Make You Better at Sex (Pat Flynn)
I’ve been having sex for a number of months now and have learned a thing or two. What I want to talk about today is how physical exercise with a kettlebell can make you into a better performer.
Photo 1 courtesy of Miguel Tapia Images and CrossFit LA.
Photo 2 courtesy of Pat Flynn.