February 1st marks the beginning of our first annual
Top 10 Fitness Blog Contest!
What Is It:
We want your help in determining the Top 10 Fitness Blogs on the Internet. The Internet is a big place and there’s a lot of great stuff out there. It can also be a bit overwhelming. We are going to select the top 10 best resources for fitness information from the blogs you regularly read — and then share that information with you.
The Top 10 will be announced here on Pulse Beat Fit and awarded a seal to put on their website to proudly display the honor you helped them achieve.
How Does It Work:
Step One – Nominate your favorite blog (just one!) by commenting below and including why you like the blog. Only one nomination per person. Include a link to the blog. The last day for nominations is February 29, 2012.
Step Two – On March 1st we will announce the top 20 semi-finalists. That is, the 20 fitness blogs receiving the most nominations.
Step Three – These top 20 finalists will be reviewed by our esteemed panel of awesome (and FIT) judges who will then, along with me (Managing Editor), select the final Top 10 Fitness Blogs of 2012.
Include a link to the site and why you think it’s the best.
Who Can Enter:
Any fitness blog run by an individual. Corporations and big companies are not allowed to enter. Think of your favorite blogs run by a coach, athlete, or nutrition geek. What sites do you visit for info from an expert delivered on a personal level? And you visit them regularly and love the info you get? That’s who you should nominate!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Update — see who made the official 2012 Top 10
Our Amazing Panel of Judges:
Nick Horton – Nick Horton is not your average Olympic Weightlifting coach. He’s been practicing Zen meditation for over a decade and applies the lessons he’s learned to both his coaching and to his writing. Nick is certified through both USA Weightlifting and CrossFit as an Olympic Weightlifting Coach. He is the owner and head coach of PDX Weightlifting, the largest Olympic weightlifting club in the state of Oregon. He can also be found online via his blog, TheIronSamurai.com, which can be summed up by its subtitle: Zen and the Art of Weightlifting.
John Burch – Having started his first martial arts business at the age of 20, John learned a lot of valuable lessons early on. After discovering CrossFit and transforming the business operations at CrossFit LA he started helping other affiliates. Since 2008 he’s worked with hundreds of small gym business through his company, The Biz. He considers the best part of what he does comes when an entrepreneur tells him that the dream of running a sustainable business is a reality and it happened after starting to use the tools John offers. John is a firm believer a better business leads to a better life.
Clark Vautier – Born and raised in New Zealand, Clark moved to the United States in 1992. He brings a diverse background to his role as a business development consultant having worked in multiple industries around the world. He began his career as a Research Analyst for the largest stock-broking firm in Australasia and subsequently worked for a number of major international banks in London. After moving to California, Clark became the Marketing Director for a premiere residential building contractor in Malibu, CA helping them move into the top-30 by revenue in the nation. Following that, he worked in the Advertising industry helping to cast TV advertising campaigns for some of the largest brands in the world. Since 2005 he has been helping small-to-medium sized businesses grow profits through effective marketing strategies. You can read more about him at ClarkVautier.com.
Include a link to the site and why you think it’s the best.