Day 3 of 3: Week 6 A: Run or Row 2K Time Trial B1: 5x5 Kettlebell Clean B2: 3x5 Strict Press with Kettlebell Rest 30 Seconds Between Rounds C: 1 Minute Handstand ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 2/3, Week 6
Day 2 of 3: Week 6 A: Tabata Hollow Rock B: 6 Rounds For Time: 8 Goblet Squats 16 Russian Kettlebell Swings 50 Meter Farmers Walk 16 Russian Kettlebell Swings 8 Goblet ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 1/3, Week 6
Day 1 of 3: Week 6 A: 10 x Kettlebell Complex: (alternating arms, not for time - for perfect form) 3 Clean 2 Front Squat 1 Press B: 25 Strict Close Grip Push Ups (not for time - for ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 3/3, Week 5
Day 3 of 3: Week 5 A: Accumulate 2 Minutes of Wall Supported Handstand Holds B: For Time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1- 1 Arm Clean, Press, and Overhead Squat with Kettlebell (alternating arms ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 2/3, Week 5
Day 2 of 3: Week 5 A: 5 Rounds For Time: 20 Burpees 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings B: 3 Rounds For Time: Day 2 of 3: Week 5 A: 5 Rounds For ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 1/3, Week 5
Day 1 of 3: Week 5 A: 5-10-15-10-5 For Time: Sit Up Clapping Push Up Sit Up Box Jump Sit Up B: 5x5 Kettlebell Halos 5x10 Kettlebell Squat Rest 1 minute between sets Day ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 3/3, Week 4
Day 3 of 3: Week 4 A: 4X 30 Seconds Bear Climb into Plank and Up A2: 4X 30 Seconds of Flying Lunges (rest 10 seconds after completing both movements) B: AMRAP in 12 Minutes: 3 ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 2/3, Week 4
Day 2 of 3: Week 4 A: Skill Work -Spend 10 minutes working on variations of handstand holds, kick ups, L handstand holds, and handstand push up progressions. B: 20-10-20 Push ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 1/3, Week 4
Day 1 of 3: Week 4 A: 5 Rounds: One Arm Kettelbell Snatch for 30 seconds (left arm) Rest 30 Seconds One Arm Kettelbell Snatch for 30 seconds (right arm) Rest 30 Seconds B: 5 ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 3/3, Week 3
Day 2 of 3: Week 3 A1: 3 Rounds 1 Minute of Superman 1 Minute of Flying Lunges 1 Minute of Rest B: Tabata Mash Up Sit Up Kettlebell Swings Sit Up Kettlebell Swings 8 rounds of ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 2/3, Week 3
Day 2 of 3: Week 3 A: 2x5 Turkish Get Ups (on each arm, resting as needed) B: For Time: 50 Box Jumps 50 Jumping Pull Ups 50 KB Swings 50 Walking Lunges 50 Knees to ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 1/3, Week 3
Workouts A1: 5x5 Back Squat A2: 10x5 Kettlebell Cleans (5 on each arm) Complete A1 and A2, then rest 2 minutes between rounds B: Workouts A1: 5x5 Back ... Continue Reading
Day 3/3, Week 2: The Handstand Builder For Women
Day 3 of 3: Week 2 A: Kettlebell Racked Walking Lunges (alternating arms and legs) 3 x 25 on Each Leg (rest as needed between sets) B: 21-15-9 Overhead Squats Pull ... Continue Reading
Day 2/3, Week 2: The Handstand Builder For Women
Day 1 of 3: Week 2 A: 2x5 Turkish Get Ups (on each arm, resting as needed) B: For Time: 50 Box Jumps 50 Jumping Pull Ups 50 KB Swings 50 Walking Lunges 50 Knees to ... Continue Reading
Day 1/3, Week 2: The Handstand Builder For Women
Day 1 of 3: Week 2 A1: 3 x Max Handstand hold in L position at the Wall A2: 3x 1 Minute of Hollow Rocks Alternate between A1 and A2 - no rest between efforts B: 3 ... Continue Reading
Day 3/3, Week 1: The Handstand Builder For Women
Day 3 of 3: Week 1 A1: Kettlebell Waiters Walk 200m (alternating arms) A2: Pull Up Skill Work 6-8 reps using a box and/or band if needed for negative pull up skill work 4x rest as needed ... Continue Reading
Day 2/3, Week 1: The Handstand Builder For Women
Day 2 of 3: Week 1 A: Take 5 minutes to practice kicking up into a handstand against the wall. Make sure you alternate between the right and left leg kicking up at least 10 times per ... Continue Reading
Day 1/3, Week 1: The Handstand Builder For Women
Day 1 of 3: Week 1 A1: 5(x5) Strict Press A2: 5(x5) Front Squat Work through each set of A1 and A2, resting 2-3 minutes between rounds Try the DB Goblet Front Squat as a ... Continue Reading
4 Bodyweight Exercises for Strength and Size
Bodyweight exercises can make you big and strong. While typically, bodyweight exercises are equated with higher rep schemes and endurance test - how many push ups can you do unbroken, for example - you can ... Continue Reading
3 Ways to Build Lean Muscle With Bodyweight Exercise
Over the last several years, the popularity of bodyweight training has exploded. The American College of Sports Medicine ranked it as the number one fitness trend of 2015. It’s easy to see why. There are ... Continue Reading
An Everyday Path to Fitness: Short and Intense
I know many Pulse Beat Fit readers are here for the latest butt-kicking and hardcore workouts. A lot of you come here to find ideas and protocols that will challenge you to exert maximal effort and obtain ... Continue Reading
Be Silent to Be Efficient
One of the best lessons I learned from the MovNat courses I've been to is an emphasis on silent movement. Silent, smooth, and graceful are all components floating around in the same pool of efficient ... Continue Reading
4 Drills for Getting Stronger and Better at Handstands
If you’ve been working on your handstand for a while now, but are still struggling with your balance and endurance upside down, don’t worry - you're not alone. Ask any longtime hand balancers and ... Continue Reading
Master the V-Sit to Develop Athleticism and Injury-Proof Shoulders
On the path to developing a solid foundation for movement, practicing the V-sit can help address issues in several parts of the body. The V-sit is achieved by maintaining a straight-arm support position ... Continue Reading