Every Sunday we post the “Sunday Seven” so you can quickly see the 7 most popular articles of the week. This week’s most popular posts cover pull up drills, the athlete’s manifesto, healing the adrenal system, conditioning, shoulder injuries, ways to heal sciatica and piriformis syndrome, and CrossFit!
1. 5 Drills to Help You Achieve Your First Pull Up (Andrew Read)
In the last article I wrote about pull ups, I looked at ways to isolate problems and correct them. In this article, I’m going to give you a few substitute exercises and the reasons for using them.
2.The Athlete’s Manifesto (Chet Morjaria)
You have expectations of your coaches and your gym, but do you hold such expectations of yourself? It’s time to commit to being an active part of your own success. Print this out and follow it.
3. Why I Don’t Do “Conditioning” and You Don’t Have to Either (Logan Christopher)
It’s too bad that running a marathon is still looked at by many as the epitome of fitness. I don’t really do HIIT, Tabata intervals, or met-con workouts either – for five reasons.
4. 7 Approaches to Fixing Your Adrenal System (Pulse Beat Fit HQ)
Here are seven articles about the signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue, along with solutions and strategies for getting back on track.
5.The Thing You Do Everyday That’s Setting You Up For Shoulder Injuries (Brooke Thomas)
Many of us internally rotate our arms all day long while we work. Sadly, this exact positioning is a set up for a shoulder impingement or rotator cuff or labrum tear down the road.
6. From CrossFit Athlete to Physique Competitor: My Fitness Journey (Shayna Dudak)
When I found CrossFit in 2010 it was exactly what I needed, having only a year of sobriety under my belt. But before long I ventured on to my next challenge – competing in a physique competition.
7.2 Causes of Hip Pain and How to Treat Them: Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome (Bethany Eanes)
Sciatica and piriformis syndrome are two conditions often presenting with similar symptoms. Here is a guide to the difference between the two as well as treatment for each.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Read.