Every Sunday we post the “Sunday Seven” so you can quickly see the 7 most popular articles of the week. This week: CrossFit and body image, why coaches can help you get results, the worst training exercises, and more!
1. On Being Strong: How CrossFit Ended My War With My Body (Megan Clements)
For over a decade I battled with my body, trying to make it look how I wanted, how the women in the magazines did. Then one day I discovered the power of my body and finally called a truce.
2. Science You Get Better Results With a Coach (Jeff Barnett)
Do you have a coach? If not, then you should get one, because research shows that athletes make significantly greater gains with a coached training program versus going it alone. (260)
3. The Top 10 Worst Training Exercises (Katie Chasey)
As a coach I see a lot of crazy things going on in the gym. These ten, though, have got to be the ten worst movements. I’ll explain why they are bad ideas and the alternatives you could do instead.
4. Having It All: How to Cram Training, Working, and Life Into Every Day (Valerie Worthington)
Life balance is not a destination. Rather, it is a never-ending journey that requires constant adjustment, sometimes major and sometimes barely perceptible. It’s a bit like a Swiss ball.
5. Almost 100 Free Kettlebell Workouts! (Pulse Beat Fit HQ)
Looking for some kettlebell workouts? Well, look no more, because we have nearly one hundred, totally free workouts for you. They are ready for you to download in handy PDF format.
6. Raising the Bar: The Truth Hurts (Book Excerpt) (Al Kavadlo)
You don’t need anything outside of yourself to get fit – you have all the power. The only equipment you need is access to a bar. I’m going to explain why and how that is.
7. 3 Ways to Work Mobility and Stretching Into Your Workouts (Jeff Kuhland)
As we age, we lose mobility. Or at least most of us do – but we don’t have to. Here are 3 approaches you can take to integrating mobility into your workouts.