Every Sunday we post the “Sunday Seven” so you can quickly see the 7 most popular articles of the week. This week’s popular topics: double unders, Erwan Le Corre, philosophy, CrossFit in Canada, stocking stuffers, and more!
1. In Pursuit of the Elusive Double Unders (Hannah Caldas)
Double unders are one of the most frustrating movements in CrossFit. Trust me, I know. Here is what I’ve learned about how to do a double under – it’s part technique and part equipment.
2. Featured Coach: Erwan Le Corre, Part 1 – The Roots of MovNat (Becca Borawski)
Who is the man behind MovNat? Find out straight from Erwan Le Corre how his own physical evolution brought him to create the MovNat, and how it’s going to save the world of zoo humans.
3. I Move, Therefore I Am: 10 Philosophy Lessons About Fitness (Nicole Crawford)
Philosophers aren’t just a bunch of old bookworms. From Plato, to Nietzsche, to Rousseau, they have long acknowledged the importance of movement and exercise.
4. 43 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for the Athlete (Becca Borawski)
You’ve bought all your presents – or so you think. Then you notice the stocking! What do you fill it with when your family member is a fitness nut? Here are 43 great gift ideas for the stocking!
5. CrossFit and the Modern Canadian Military (Shawn Davidson)
I’ve spent 9 years in the Canadian military and have, thankfully, seen PT evolve. I’ve seen firsthand the amazing benefits of CrossFit. It prepares the modern solider better than any other approach.
6. Hamstring Training For Cyclists (Mike Samuels)
For cyclists, one key area to focus on when weight training to improve your performance is your hamstrings. Here are three exercises you need to be doing, and how to plan your workouts.
7. Primal Fitness: What It Is and Why It’s Important (Pulse Beat Fit HQ)
Primal fitness isn’t just about running barefoot through the fields and eating a lot of meat. So what is it about, and how can we achieve it? Check out these 10 articles and videos to learn more.