One year ago I interviewed Bill Vick regarding his battle with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. You’re thinking, “What the heck is that?” Well, it’s an incurable disease. But Bill Vick is defying the odds and surviving it.
TOM: Could you give us a brief synopsis on what IPF disease is?
- 48,000 new cases are diagnosed each year.
- 40,000 people die from it each year.
- By the time most people are diagnosed they are on their way to dying.
- The average patient lives 3 to 5 years after diagnoses.
TOM: Out 0f 200,00 inflicted with the disease, you are a rarity because you have improved. What is your take on this?
TOM: As you mentioned, life is essentially the sum of the choices we make. How can healthy and aspiring pulsebeatfit readers – both young and older – use that approach in their day-to-day training?
TOM: Could you elaborate on how you have benefitted from your diet? How could the average athletes apply it to their specific training regimen?
TOM: What does your current physical training program consist of?
- Sunday – Strength train upper body.
- Monday – Swim or run.
- Tuesday – Swim or run.
- Wednesday – Total body strength train and speed walking or sprints.
- Thursday – Swim or run and total body exercise such as pull ups and chin ups.
- Friday and Saturday – Complete rest days for recovery.
TOM: Bill, you are an inspiration to so many with your perseverance and exceptional attitude during this bump in the road of life. We wish you happiness and continued years of productive training.
Photos 2 & 3 courtesy of Shutterstock.