EDITOR’S NOTE: We know how hard it is to gift shop, so we thought we would help you out with ideas. Coach Danette is a mom-vegan-chef-CrossFitter. Her wish list has a fantastic assortment of items ranging from the kitchen to the gym and far beyond.
Danette’s Athlete-Foodie-Mom Holiday Wish List
I love Pulse Beat Fit’s Holiday Wish List series and I had to get in on the fun. Some of the things that made my list are mere fantasies – others I’m going to make happen!
EDITOR’S NOTE: We know how hard it is to gift shop, so we thought we would help you out with ideas. Coach Danette is a mom-vegan-chef-CrossFitter. Her wish list has a fantastic assortment of items ranging from the kitchen to the gym and far beyond.
Danette’s Athlete-Foodie-Mom Holiday Wish List
I love Pulse Beat Fit’s Holiday Wish List series and I had to get in on the fun. Some of the things that made my list are mere fantasies – others I’m going to make happen!
1. Seminars with GymnasticWOD, MobilityWOD, and Waxman’s Gym – $1,144.00
I want to move better, and to do so I need as much help as humanly possible. Some of the most qualified humans able to help me are Carl Paoli, Kelly Starrett, and Sean Waxman, which is why I’d love to attend their seminars.
2. Trigger Point Performance Extra Long Foam Roller – $64.00
This foam roller claims to withstand constant, heavy, and repeated use without breaking down. Made with less foam than most foam rollers due to their rigid, hollow cores, the varying widths and densities allow for a precision massage. Just make is hurt so good, will ya?
3. All Women Yoga-Surf Safari for 10 in Mexico – $2,500 each
When I think of a vacation/adventure like this, I nearly pass out. Yoga in the morning is followed by surf lessons then lunch then more surfing. In the afternoon there is some lounging and staring at the ocean. All with ten of my closest girlfriends in Las Olas, Mexico. My God, get me there stat.
4. 2 Weeks of Classes at Natural Gourmet Institute in New York – $110-$215/ea
Truth be told, I’ve already taken many classes at NGI, but I would love to take more as they constantly change. The public classes offered range from “World-Class Gluten Free Dumplings” to “Raw Food Basics” to “Basic Knife Skills” for more efficient (and safer) chopping in the kitchen. The industrial kitchen setting is fun and professional, and NGI is located in the heart of Manhattan, which only ups the greatness of the experience.
5. Shun Bob Kramer 7” Santoku Knife – $340.00
On the heels of a knife skills class at NGI, a great knife naturally makes this list. Nothing beats a quality knife in the kitchen. This line in particular is highly regarded. Bob Kramer is one of the only Master Bladesmiths in the world specializing in kitchen cutlery. Vegetables practically fall into perfect slices upon looking at the blade.
6. Gift Certificate to Burke Williams Spa – ANY AMOUNT
Whenever I’m able to spend any time with a masseuse to work on the concrete knot that seems forever lodged between my shoulder blade and spine, I am endlessly thankful. To stand around in the plush robe, fresh-faced from the sauna-steam combo, scarfing down fresh fruit and gulping cucumber water is a pleasure so guilty and so good that I’m sad I can’t go every week. Or month. Or more than once a year. Sometimes. Damnit!
7. Double Dutch Lessons for an Event Party – $300.00
How fun would it be to hire Double Dutch Empire for a party to teach everyone how to jump rope double Dutch style? Sounds like a perfect party to me.
8. Spoke LED Lights – $30.00-120.00
My bicycle already looks like a mobile Christmas tree with garlands hanging off the basket and homemade spoke cards yet I think some LED spoke lights would be the cherry to my bike sundae.
9. Babalot Pure Drive GT Tennis Racket – $130.00
Now that I’m getting my tennis on regularly, it’d be nice to have a racket of my own. Right now I play with my daughter’s back up racket, which is this exact Babalot racket and I love it. Holla at me, Santa!
10. Christmas Vacation at La Quinta Resort, Palm Springs – from $170/night
My husband and youngest daughter are legit tennis players. I’m along for the ride. Still, we consider ourselves a tennis family and Palm Springs – La Quinta especially – is the perfect destination for a tennis family. This area in winter is lovely and so relaxing. And I’d love to use my new tennis racket to play on La Quinta’s center court where many pro players have played. In reality, we really are going to La Quinta for Christmas as we are trying to make this a Rivera tradition. This will be the second year running and I can’t wait. Nothing like making a wish list come true!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Keep an eye out for our other holiday wish lists
Chris Duffin’s Powerlifting Holiday Wish List
Eric Stevens’s Holiday Wish List
Val Worthington’s Holiday Wish List
Becca’s Healthy Eating Holiday Wish List
Nicole’s Fit Mom Holiday Wish List
Andrew’s Hardstyle Holiday Wish List
Nick Horton’s Weightlifting Is Fun Holiday Wish List