In this episode, I’m delighted to welcome Rick Howard to the show. Rick is an expert in Long-Term Athletic Development (LTAD). He wrote the paper on the subject by writing the NACA’s position stand in LTAD.
This interview was truly eye-opening, and Rick shattered many of the misconceptions people (myself included) have about LTAD.
Whether you are a parent, work with kids, coach adults, or want to develop and maintain your athleticism throughout your entire life then, this episode is packed with wisdom and principles you can apply.
If you have any questions or comments about the show, please email me at or drop me a DM on Instagram @tommaccormick.
Please like and share the podcast and feel free to give us a five-star review (other reviews are available;))
You can find Rick on social media @rihoward41 and get access to the NACA LTAD SIG Facebook group here at FB/NSCA.YouthSIG.
You can also find this podcast sitting on top of all my other Six Pack of Knowledge podcasts (curated discussions with the greatest hypertrophy experts on the planet).
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