Will is a personal trainer, a self-confessed fitness geek, a Dragonball Z fanboy, and a MMA armchair expert, living in Melbourne, Australia. After a youth spent as a mediocre athlete, Will found his real penchant in coaching others to improve their athletic prowess.
Learning most of all from his many, many mistakes in training and nutrition over the years, Will has become pretty handy at helping young and aspiring athletes to reach the next level in performance on one front, and on another, has led to a knack in helping post-rehabilitation clients successfully return to activity. Combining that with several years’ experience in managing and educating a team of personal trainers, presenting courses to fitness and health professionals, and somehow even getting his ugly mug on a television series, has made Will even more passionate about improving the education of fitness professionals to raise the standard of this industry.
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Pulse Beat Fit is the fitness world’s preeminent destination for timely, high-quality information on exercise, fitness, health, and nutrition. Our audience encompasses the entire spectrum of the fitness community: consumers, aficionados, fitness professionals, and business owners. We seek to inform, educate and advocate for this community.