Scott Tindal is a registered physiotherapist in Australia and the UK, certified nutritionist, SFMA, and FMS practitioner. He completed his undergraduate Physiotherapy degree at the University of Sydney in 2001 before moving to England where he completed his MSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine, graduating with distinction. His interest in all things health, sport, and recovery led him to him branch into nutrition, and in 2014 he completed a diploma in Sports and Performance nutrition with the International Society of Sports Nutrition.
He has worked in the public and private healthcare systems of Australia and the UK. His sports experience includes Great Britain rowing (women’s heavy and lightweights, men’s lightweights) and three successful seasons with the famous Leicester Tigers Rugby Club, as well as Tongan Rugby, England Lions cricket team, and Jimmy Manuwa (UFC).
Scott is currently based in Bermuda as the Head Physiotherapist and Team Nutritionist with ORACLE TEAM USA preparing for the defence of the 35th Americas Cup. He works closely with the Head of Performance, Craig (Oscar) McFarlane, to manage the athletes to be as optimally prepared as possible.
Scott’s physiotherapy philosophy is to treat and rehabilitate by identifying the relevant factors, resolving the dysfunctions, reinforcing the corrections, and then reloading with ideal movement patterns. He sees testing and retesting as an essential tool to avoid wasting time on unnecessary treatments.
His approach to nutrition is similar in that he believes in “cutting out the crap” and focusing on what is known in the literature and what is shown to be effective. His interest is in improving health, changing body composition, and increasing lean muscle mass. His niche interest is increasing performance outcomes of older (>50 years old) clients, an area he feels is poorly addressed by the fitness and food industry. His online nutrition service is called “Good Rituals” – he has clients in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.
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