Nichole Rheiner is a full time surgical RN to a progressive women's health physician, a mother of seven children, a paleo blogger at CaveMomma, a life coach, and speaker.
Nichole has always had an interest in fitness, nutrition, and health. She began her journey toward real food health after the birth of her fourth child. By all standards, she was an average "skinny, healthy" 29 year old. However, she knew something wasn't quite right with her health. She was tired, cranky, had stomach and skin issues, and was overall miserable. She began the P90X workout program and decided to start blogging her clean eating and working out journey on Facebook, just for some accountability.
One day, a friend reached out and offered some advice. "Read all you can regarding Paleo" were the words that changed everything. became Nichole's new platform to reach out to others dealing with the same health issues.
In 2010, just as she was embarking on changing her focus to the paleo life, Nichole went to Indiana to help her family take care of her grandfather as he was in his final days of life. It was then she realized she was called to be a nurse: a career she'd put on hold to raise her family for years. Only three short monthsafter her grandpa passed, her uncle and then her grandmother also lost battles to cancer. Nichole was devastated, but determined to make them proud. She returned to school in the fall of 2010, and finished her RN degree in May 2014.
Through all her classes and clinical experience, Nichole realized there was something fundamentally wrong with the healthcare (or sick-care) system, and a fire was lit. If our health is to be changed, it begins at home, with education, planning, and teaching our kids how to prevent illness from taking place - through nutrition, sunshine, sleep, play, and stress control. Nichole helped her employer and doctor lose sixty pounds, and together they are teaching their patients how to control their health with good nutrition and habits.
The Pulse Beat Fit newsletter is everything you need to know about strength in a 3 minute read.
Pulse Beat Fit is the fitness world’s preeminent destination for timely, high-quality information on exercise, fitness, health, and nutrition. Our audience encompasses the entire spectrum of the fitness community: consumers, aficionados, fitness professionals, and business owners. We seek to inform, educate and advocate for this community.