Kyle Hunt is the owner of Hunt Fitness, a highly sought after online strength and conditioning and nutritional consulting business. He specializes in custom nutrition and workout programs designed around the individual’s goals. He also offers contest prep coaching.
Kyle has been a personal trainer since the age of sixteen and has been an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer since he turned eighteen. In addition to his certifications, Kyle also has a bachelors degree in Exercise Science.
Over the last six years since he started Hunt Fitness, Kyle has watched it grow from a small fitness blog to a full on fitness training company with clients coming to him from all over the world! He has an extreme passion for health and fitness and loves sharing it with other people.
The Pulse Beat Fit newsletter is everything you need to know about strength in a 3 minute read.
Pulse Beat Fit is the fitness world’s preeminent destination for timely, high-quality information on exercise, fitness, health, and nutrition. Our audience encompasses the entire spectrum of the fitness community: consumers, aficionados, fitness professionals, and business owners. We seek to inform, educate and advocate for this community.