Johnnie Perry, Jr. is a former finance professional with an MBA. During this time, he sat on his butt, gained over 25lbs of fat, lost confidence, and developed aches and pains. Then, he did something about it. He lost 25lbs and still enjoyed his favorite foods.
Since then, he’s followed his passion. He helps busy executives lose their beer bellies as they add muscle, increase energy, and become the superhero of their own life. He’s a NASM certified personal trainer and Precision Nutrition (PN1) certified nutrition coach who helps people in-person and online.
In his spare time, he enjoys all things hip hop, spending time with his wife and son, and drinking red wine. His favorite saying is “Fat loss is like a fine wine. It takes time.”
“The best training plan—the optimal diet to increase your energy levels, build the confidence to walk around shirtless, shed fat and keep it off forever—is the one you can stick to over the long haul. Adherence to diet and exercise plans reigns supreme.Make sure your current training plan and diet help you build sustainable habits. Forcing yourself to commit to a workout plan or diet that’s not customizable and flexible only leads you down a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting and program-hopping. Revealing your best body doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have fun in the gym and enjoy life. My purpose is to help you build a workout schedule and diet plan that allows you to shed fat and dominate work, leaving you time to devote towards memorable moments with loved ones.”
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Pulse Beat Fit is the fitness world’s preeminent destination for timely, high-quality information on exercise, fitness, health, and nutrition. Our audience encompasses the entire spectrum of the fitness community: consumers, aficionados, fitness professionals, and business owners. We seek to inform, educate and advocate for this community.