- Bulgarian Split Squats: The King of Single Leg Exercises
- The Newbie Guide to Building Muscle
- Build Strength Without Adding Bulk
- 4 Steps to Achieve a Fast Fat Revolution
Jason Maxwell, of J Max Fitness, is a Certified Personal Trainer under the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is a certified FMS practitioner. Helping people lose fat, gain muscle, and learn about intermittent fasting is his passion. Sometimes, itís just way too much fun helping people to look better naked.
Jason grew up in a small town less with less than 3,500 people. Seriously. He was fat until he hit puberty, then he slowly grew out of his tubbiness. He was skinny-fat all through high school (even though he played every sport imaginable). He started lifting weights in his senior year of high school in order to get stronger for football. After starting to lift weights, he was seeing some results, but was still skinny-fat. He went to Ryerson University in Toronto (for Aerospace Engineering) and got his nutrition and lifting dialed in. He gained twenty pounds of muscle during his first semester and got leaner in the process. Finally, he wasn't skinny-fat anymore. He became obsessed with everything to do with fitness and nutrition and started personal training, online coaching, and writing.
Visit his website, J Max Fitness, for tons of info on getting leaner, practicing fasting, and wicked-cool stories that you wish your parents told you when you were little.
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