Devin Harper is a writer forHouse of Pain Ironwear, CrossFit fanatic, and nutrition convert. He's an avid mountain biker during the summer and gym rat in the winter. He enjoys CrossFit because it combines several of his favorite exercises including jumping and swimming. It teaches him about his body's limits like no other workout does. His favorite lifts are bench press and squat.
Devin's vice is carbonated beverages. He once removed them completely from his diet and dropped ten pounds in six weeks as a result. He's a big believer in proper nutrition and has since given up drinking soda.
The Pulse Beat Fit newsletter is everything you need to know about strength in a 3 minute read.
Pulse Beat Fit is the fitness world’s preeminent destination for timely, high-quality information on exercise, fitness, health, and nutrition. Our audience encompasses the entire spectrum of the fitness community: consumers, aficionados, fitness professionals, and business owners. We seek to inform, educate and advocate for this community.