Cape Town-based British expat and Strength and Conditioning coach David Cross, with his passion for strength, nutrition and transforming lives, devotes his time to the physical wellbeing of each one of his clients in his privately owned strength facility. David’s life in corporate finance, fast talking, and unhealthy eating came to a drastic halt when he committed himself to a complete lifestyle reconstruction, after finding the person staring back at him in the mirror not the person he wished to be.
David remodelled himself from a hefty 137kg to a lean and fit 86kg. With this metamorphosis, David discovered his passion for healthy, fit living. He enrolled himself back into varsity in his late twenties and qualified as a personal trainer, having spent his practical education under former South African Springbok S&C Coach Chris van Loggerenberg, taking this knowledge to the world. David participated in various endurance events before turning to his new found passion in strength.
David, with his own experiences of body transformation and his PT graduate, continued his thirst for knowledge and certified with the IKFF as a kettlebell teacher and went on to specialize in fitness nutrition with the ISSA. All around strongman, power enthusiast, and knowledge hunter, David uses his background and ability to change the lives of those around him.
The Pulse Beat Fit newsletter is everything you need to know about strength in a 3 minute read.
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