Dan is a personal trainer with a no bulls-t approach to fitness. With years of training experience, he knows what it takes to get you feeling, looking, and performing at your best. He has a competitive background in Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, freestyle wrestling, muay thai, and tae kwon do.
Dan works with a wide variety of clientele, from strength athletes to corporate executives. He specializes in strength training, performance-specific programming, fundamental movement, and mobility. His certifications include:
Fitness Trainer, ISSA (International Sports Science Association)
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
FRC Mobility Specialist, Functional Range Conditioning
FMS, Functional Movement Systems
Powerlifting Specialist, Darby Training Systems
DTS Level 1, Darby Training Systems
Scientific Core Conditioning Specialist, CHEK Institute
Kettlebell Trainer, Kettlebell Academy
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