Christine Dahl is an American expat living in The Netherlands, where she practices international law. She is the mother to two teenage sons and has been married for 27 years. For her 49th birthday this year, she plans to get her Level I CrossFit certification.
Besides her desk job, she has an active lifestyle. She lifts weights two to three times per week and swims regulary. She loves to climb, run, and bike, particularly long distances. She has run a marathon, several half-marathons, and finished her first half-Ironman. This past summer she rode a century on the world championships road racing course in the south of Holland. Over the years she has taken the podium in a couple of sprint triathlons and an Olympic distance triathlon. She's finished last in some races, too. Recently she climbed the Grand teton with her seventeen-year old son - 8.5 pitches somewhere between joy and terror. Next summer they plan to hike the King's Road in Sweden.
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