Chris Slone is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the NSCA. His love for training was built in elementary school, when his dad brought home a weight set for him. There has been a great deal of trial and error since that point, through years of training alone. He has a Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science, where the practical knowledge began to forge with science.
Professionally, Chris has seen many sides of the industry, from working in collegiate athletics for four-plus years, to the clinical setting as an exercise physiologist for two years, to his own training, and also many stints in the corporate and personal training settings.
Chris has a competitive background in powerlifting, strongman, and weightlifting and tries to compete in powerlifting and strongman as often as possible. He is also passionate about continuing to learn everything possible about training and improving performance. His philosophy on training is based on combining scientific principles with practical, time-tested performance training. Use what works, cut what doesn’t.
Chris has a website, Slone Strength, that provides information to people about various training methodologies and tips from experts in the field. You can also find him on Facebook and Twitter as well.
The Pulse Beat Fit newsletter is everything you need to know about strength in a 3 minute read.
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