Originally from Kinnelon New Jersey, and residing in North Port Florida, Cheryl is a licensed massage therapist, mother to her three-year-old daughter Adriana, and wife to her amazing husband Daniel. Cheryl lost my brother to a car accident when she was seventeen and he was fifteen, in 1998.She doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, eats organic food, and has no family history of breast cancer. An avid CrossFitter at CrossFit Murdock, Cheryl just turned 33. She has a very strong faith and relationshipwith her maker and remains as positive as possible in all situations. Her sister, who is 37, was also recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Neither of them felt our breast cancer. In addition to promoting a healthy lifestyle, Cheryl wants to advocate for young women and early detection of breast cancer.
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Pulse Beat Fit is the fitness world’s preeminent destination for timely, high-quality information on exercise, fitness, health, and nutrition. Our audience encompasses the entire spectrum of the fitness community: consumers, aficionados, fitness professionals, and business owners. We seek to inform, educate and advocate for this community.