Brittany is an experienced CrossFitter, as well as a professional basketball player. Since 2007, she has lived in three different continents while coaching CrossFit and playing professional basketball. She has taken her skills around the world and back, which has allowed her to be involved in all types of fitness industries in many different cultures. This has helped shape the athlete she has become and the type of goals she has achieved.
Juggling CrossFit and basketball at times is a challenge for her. However, she is able to use one as a beneficiary for the other. Brittany decided to start CrossFit when she began asking herself, “How good could I be if I was able to stay in top shape and outlast my opponents?” During her pursuit to attain this goal she began to see her skill level transform as she rose to higher levels in the professional basketball world.
During Brittany’s career she has been lucky to be surrounded by highly successful athletes. Having competed against, coached with, and learned from some of the best, Brittany has matured as an all-around athlete and coach.
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