Born in 1982, Adam was a Division III collegiate soccer player, and competed in a few triathlons and road races before finding CrossFit. Adam and his wife Becky started their coaching careers when they opened their own gym in Dayton Ohio called Dayton Strength and Conditioning, a gym focused on providing people from all backgrounds with an outlet to get individualized training programs to achieve their goals.
Born in 1982, Adam was a Division III collegiate soccer player, and competed in a few triathlons and road races before finding CrossFit. Adam and his wife Becky started their coaching careers when they opened their own gym in Dayton Ohio called Dayton Strength and Conditioning, a gym focused on providing people from all backgrounds with an outlet to get individualized training programs to achieve their goals.
Adam currently works as a coach at Training Think Tank, a company that provides athlete-centered, scientifically informed coaching, program design, and education that leaves the people we reach better than we found them physically (corpus) and mentally (animus).
Adam’s clients include elite CrossFit competitors, national level weightlifters, professional MMA fighters, active duty military personnel, high school and college athletes, shift workers, and general health and wellness clients whose main focus is improving the quality of their daily life.
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