From a young age, Adam Bailey was thrown into the world of sport and exercise. Literally, his mother would send him outside to burn off his energy before dinner every night.
From a young age, Adam Bailey was thrown into the world of sport and exercise. Literally, his mother would send him outside to burn off his energy before dinner every night.
Adam had his first Muay Thai fight when he was 14, and had the snot beaten out of him by his 26 year old opponent. With hard work and the support of his family, he has fought both in his native Australia and internationally, becoming a two-time Intercontinental Champion, a two-time South Pacific Champion, a two-time National Champion, a Kings Cup World Champion, a World Cup Gold Medallist, and a World Title Contender.
Outside of the ring, Adam has also supported the martial art by hosting tournaments and mentoring the up and coming fighters of the Bailey Fight Team.
The discipline he has gained from learning and mastering the art of Muay Thai led Adam to open and successfully run his own gym, Bailey Fitness.
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