You’ve seen our amazing list of featured coaches, but have you tried any of their workouts? We have a lot of workouts available here on Pulse Beat Fit and in case you’ve missed out, we decided to put some of favorites all in one list for you. Try them out and let us know how it goes!
1. Strength and Conditioning Workouts (John Hackleman)
In addition to his involvement in martial arts, John was involved in CrossFit nearly from its inception. In a partnership with CrossFit, John founded a system he called “CrossPit” – a blending of CrossFit and John’s Hawaiian Kempo. To train like John’s fighters and see what they do at The Pit, check out his three weeks of programming.
2. A Walk in the Park: Taku’s Equipment-Free Workout (Liam Taku)
Looking for a challenging workout, but you don’t have any equipment? The following is an excellent body-weight circuit, designed for all-around athletic conditioning.
3. Strength and Conditioning Workouts (Andy Petranek)
While the workouts might seem random, there is actually a system to Andy’s method of training general physical preparedness. Andy does not write his workouts for a specialized athlete, but rather for a student looking to get better at a lot of things.
4. Awake and Evolve: Cleanse and Detox Practice (Mindith Rahmat)
Twisting poses cleanse the body of toxins and recirculate fresh blood through the body. Twisting poses should always be followed by hydrating the body with plenty of water.
5. Strength and Conditioning Workouts (Chris LaLanne)
Chris’ three weeks of featured programming are based on the CrossFit methodology, but you will also see a lot of strength work incorporated into the workouts. These workouts are designed to expose you to a variety of skills and movements, while building your strength and conditioning.
6. Women’s Workout: Week 1, Day 1 (Mindith Rahmat)
This cycle of the Women’s WOD will focus on the development of upper body strength and midline stability, using bodyweight movements and kettlebell skill work, to strengthen and condition the body.
7. Strength and Conditioning Workouts (Becca Borawski)
CrossFit coach Becca Borawski’s three week Strength and Conditioning WOD series has it all: Olympic lifting, gymnastics, bodyweight exercises, kettlebells, barbell exercises, and even sprints.
8. Awake and Evolve: Heart Opening Meditation (Mindith Rahmat)
Use the heart opening meditation to let go of fear and worry, and ignite compassion and love. This is a simple technique to release sadness and bring love and warmth into your life.
9. Strength and Conditioning Workouts (Sean Waxman)
Sean Waxman is passionate about taking CrossFit athletes to the next level of their performance. He coaches out of his gym,Waxman‘s Gym, in Southern California. Sean’s three weeks of programming are for a beginner or intermediate athlete and include the primary Olympic lifts as well as a variety of assistance work.
10. Women’s Workout: Week 1, Day 1 (Mindith Rahmat)
This women’s workout cycle experiments with different modalities to build upper body strength to aid in the development of the handstand, essential for core strength, upper body strength, and balance.