Here are the key exercises for weeks two through four in my four-week whole body fitness program here on Pulse Beat Fit. For more information on the exercises please feel free to Tweet me – @mikeeves.
Here are the key exercises for weeks two through four in my four-week whole body fitness program here on Pulse Beat Fit. For more information on the exercises please feel free to Tweet me – @mikeeves.
Kettlebell Snatch
Grab the corner of the bell and ensure you have the index finger tucked under the thumb. The motion is like a swing, but the bell continues to accelerate upward and locks out overhead.
On the upswing, let the kettlebell roll (corkscrew) around the forearm at the top to minimize impact. At the top of the motion, the hand and shoulder position is identical to the press. Before you begin the downswing, elevate the shoulder and toes (this will help absorb force and save grip), rotate the bell around the wrist by turning the palm upwards, and begin the downswing with the thumb up.
At the bottom of the downswing, many will rotate the thumb backwards to help with grip deloading. Remember to have an active downswing. This facilitates a stretch reflex in the hamstrings and glutes, which in turn gives your upward drive an elastic or rubber band effect.
On the drop, the kettlebell travels in close proximity to the body and to the centerline of the body. Leaning back slightly can help facilitate this and will help with efficiency.
Sledgehammer Tire Strikes
Swinging a sledgehammer is a natural movement. Face the tire and hold the end of the handle with your left hand. Hold the handle close to the hammerhead with your right. As you swing the handle around the right side of your body, raise up on to your toes and ensure you have triple extension – knees, hips, and chest to gain maximum leverage.
On the descent, slide your right hand down the handle and strike the meat of the tire with the hammer. As the hammerhead recoils, catch towards the head with your right hand again and repeat. Swap sides and repeat.
Kettlebell Goblet Squats
Grab the kettlebell by the bell with both hands as though holding a goblet. On the descent, move the hips to rear as if sitting in a chair.
Descend into a rock-bottom squat so that your hamstrings are touching your calves. Keeping the weight on the heels, drive the hips up and forward until lockout. This involves fully extending the hips and knees.
Rings Body Row
Midline stabilization is a critical component of this movement. Lower the rings to hip height. Lie under the rings and with your feet flat on the floor, keep your body tight, and try to keep your body in a completely straight line.
Your ears, shoulders, hips, legs, and feet should all be in a line. Pull yourself up until your chest touches the ring handles. Lower yourself back down. The exercise can be made more challenging by putting your feet on a box, wearing a weight vest, or both!
Indian Clubs Outer Heart-Shaped Swings
Start with the club held in your right hand above the right shoulder with the button facing forward. Turn your body to the right and throw the club to the right, upper corner using your wrist and elbow to full extension. The club should be allowed to swing freely across the front plane in front of your legs.
Turn your body to the left as the club swings up and comes to above your right shoulder again. For alternating swings, you need to launch the left club at the bottom of the right club’s swing. All this takes practice and more practice. So be patient and enjoy the benefits as you progress.
Indian Clubs Inner Heart-Shaped Swings
Start with the club held in your right hand above the right shoulder, as in the outer heart-shaped swing, with the button facing forward. This time turn the body to the left side and throw the club to the left, upper corner using your wrist and elbow to full extension.
The club should be allowed to swing freely across the front plane in front of your legs. Turn your body to the right as the club swings up and comes to above your right shoulder again. Again, you can do alternating inner heart-shaped swings.
Mace 360s
Hold the mace directly in front of you with your hands gripped closely together at the end of the handle. If your left hand is above your right hand, you’re going to push the mace ball over your right shoulder.
The mace ball should swing behind your back. When it reaches your left shoulder, pull the mace over your left shoulder so the mace is once again directly in front of you. Repeat several times.
Switch up your hands so your right hand is above your left, and push the mace ball over your left shoulder. Repeat swinging the mace in this direction several times.
Mace 10-to-2
The mace 10-to-2 is similar to the 360 except that you change direction – stopping at ten o’clock or two o’clock – and push the mace in the other direction.
Handstand Kick Ups
Begin in a lunge position. Reach out toward the floor, but make sure you don’t put your hands close to your front foot.
As you reach for the floor, your back leg should kick up behind you. Your lead leg will push off the ground to propel your body up and transfer your weight to your hands.
Once your weight has been transferred to your hands, bring your legs together. Keep your toes pointed as you balance on your hands. Always keep your shoulders open, and push your body upward toward the ceiling. Your body should be hollow when a handstand is done correctly. Do this with a wall for protection and safety.
Medicine Ball Slams
Grab the medicine ball with both hands, rise up on to the toes, and ensure triple extension of the knees, hips, and chest. Slam the medicine ball to the floor with full power. Catch and repeat.