These workouts were designed by Pulse Beat Fit founder Mindith Rahmat. Mindith has trained extensively in yoga, kettlebells, and bodyweight. She is the definition of a fitness enthusiast and is always studying the experts. She has pulled all her knowledge and findings together into these bodyweight workouts.
Inversions, Flexibility, and Strength Training With Parallettes
This cycle of bodyweight workouts uses arm balances, inversions, and deep flexibility work to build strength and balance. You will be able to measure your progress with three attempts at a baseline test in weeks 1, 6, and 12.
Flexibility, Agility, and Recovery With Natural Movement
This cycle of the bodyweight workouts focuses on flexibility, agility, and recovery. All workouts in this cycle are twenty minutes or less, allowing extra time for the pre- and post-workout mobility, flexibility, and recovery work.
Big Gains in Balance and Strength With Unilateral Training
Cycle eleven of the bodyweight workout series focuses on developing balance and strength with the use of one-limbed movements. This combination of bodyweight exercises will challenge your strength, balance, and flexibility. These workouts are programmed three days per week.