If you want solid Olympic weightlifting information, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 10 of our best pieces on perfecting your lifts, written by expert athletes and coaches, including Bob Takano, Greg Everett, Dresdin Archibald, Holley Mangold, and Nick Horton!
Why You Need to Know Your Snatch to Clean and Jerk Ratio (Bob Takano)
An important ratio for a weightlifter to know is the ratio of the snatch to the clean and jerk. I’m going to tell you why it’s important and how to make appropriate training adjustments.
Does the Power Clean or Power Snatch Train Speed? (Dresdin Archibald)
Does training the power clean and power snatch train speed? The answer is no. I’ll explain why in this article and explain what the power movements ARE useful for developing in your athletes.
Why Don’t Olympic Weightlifters Overhead Squat? Part 1 (Nick Horton)
Is your snatch or your overhead squat bigger? Does it matter? Olympic weightlifters don’t even bother with overhead squats. Read on to find out why it’s not that helpful after all.
Athlete Journal: Holley Mangold, Entry 16 – Recovering From Surgery (Holley Mangold)
Holley is back to keeping a journal here at Pulse Beat Fit! To start off, though, she’s going to tell us about her wrist injury, how surgery went, and how she’s training during the months of rehab.
Hitting Bottom: 3 Tools to Perfect Your Olympic Lifts (Bob Takano)
Learning the Olympic lifts is only possible after the lifter knows the positions at the completion of each movement. This article focuses on three exercises that teach the “feeling” of the bottom.
Gwen Sisto: A True Story of When Olympic Weightlifting Meets Juggling (Becca Borawski)
For Gwen Sisto not weightlifting has never been an option. From aerospace engineering, to MIT, to motherhood, Gwen has met all her challenges head on, and with a few weightlifting medals, too.
Book Review: “Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide For Athletes & Coaches” by Greg Everett (Logan Gelbrich)
If you don’t own Greg Everett’s original book on Olympic weightlifting then your library is not complete, whether you are a coach or an athlete. Read our review to find out why this book is essential.
Pulse Beat Fit Video: Bob Takano – Learn the Most Difficult Phase of Clean Technique (Bob Takano)
The shift from the pull to the knees to the power position is one of the most difficult aspects of coaching technique. Here’s a simple exercise to teach the feeling of this movement.
Strength & Conditioning WODs – Greg Everett (Greg Everett)
Looking to perfect your lifts? Olympic weightlifting coach and author Greg Everett wrote three weeks of programming just for our readers.
Friday Flicks: Iron Maven’s Olympic Weightlifting (Pulse Beat Fit HQ)
If you like to geek out on Olympic weightlifting this is the video for you. See in slow motion what goes right and wrong, and how much difference the tiniest things can make.